To make a payment with your credit card, just fill out the amount below and click ‘Make a Payment’. You’ll be taken to PayPal’s website, where you can complete the payment to me safely and securely.
Coaching Packages:
One Month Youth Coaching package includes :
A dynamic success plan that includes accountability and that is closely monitored
5- one hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support
1- 15 minute “touch up” call
Texting “check-ins”
Cost: 1025.00
Three month Youth Coaching package includes :
A dynamic success plan that includes accountability and that is closely monitored
5- one hour coaching sessions per month
Unlimited email support
1- 15 minute “touch up” call per month
Texting “check-ins”
Bonus one hour family session every month
this package reflects a discount of 175.00.
Cost: 2900.00
One Month Parenting Coaching package includes :
Action Plan
Assessments to assist you in understanding yourself and your child
5- one hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support
Texting “check-ins”
Resources such as videos, communication templates and book recommendations
1- 15 minute “touch up” call
Cost: 1025.00
Three Month Parenting Coaching package includes :
Action Plan
Assessments to help you understand yourself and your child
5- one hour coaching sessions per month
Unlimited email support
1- 15 minute “touch up” call per month
Texting “check-ins”
Resources such as videos, communication templates, and book recommendations
Bonus one hour family session every month
this package reflects a discount of 175.00.
Cost: 2900.00
Additional services such as random drug testing are available contracted through our external resources.