About Drew Patterson

Drew’s style of coaching aims to meet your adolescent or young adult right where they are, and in doing so address the current problem that is holding them back and get them to where they want to be. He adapts to the specific needs of each individual, and is most versed in coaching pre-teens, young adults and adolescents.

Drew is currently a school based clinician at an elementary school, and resides in the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina. He earned his life coach certification through Kain Ramsay’s thorough course. He is adaptable, and integrates an array of life coaching tools during his coaching process, he likes to find the perfect tools for each individual and work from there.

Drew aims to coach in a way that is comfortable, collaborative, and most importantly productive. He thrives on positivity, and his enthusiasm is contagious. He believes that negativity and self-defeating thoughts can be cornerstones of stagnation. Drew’s primary objective as a life coach is to help each and every individual find his or her highest strengths, and to ensure that person will continue to build on those strengths well after the coaching process is complete.

Education: Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

Certifications: Certified Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor – I, National Certified Counselor.

2569 Park Lane
Boulder, CO 80303

(770) 789-0847

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